Seville Caòtica


Traveling to Seville is always an incredible experience, its Cathedral, La Giralda, La Torre del Oro, El Real Alcázar with its gardens, Triana, Sevilla’s monumentality is well known all around the world!!

We have visited that Seville and we love it, but today we want to bring you another Sevilla not so popular..We want to show you the most alternative and contemporary Seville, the most Nòmada, the one that has fascinated us,

The new Seville moves away from stereotypes and creates a new life style, represented in Soho Benita, some streets between the neighborhoods of La Encarnacion-San Pedro and Alfalfa. Here we have found artists workshops, contemporary art galleries, LaImportadora fashion stores as is Delimbo… and among all these places is Caotica, a space where you can have breakfast surrounded by Books, with a giant table to share with other travelers or with Sevillians

Caotica is also a bookstore if you come up the stairs they will take you to a double space with a giant wooden tree and full of books as curious as The Little Prince in Andalusian and others books as interesting as the great philosophers in manga style (ed. The other H)

Come on Nomades! Seville in spring is spectacular!

Posts created 130

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