
Yayoi Kusama

Today in Nòmades we are talking about  Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. Born in Matsumoto in 1929, Kusama is one of the most admired contemporary artists. Marked for a traumatic childhood, Kusama begins to have hallucinations which makes her see the world from a different perspective. In the sixties, she moved to New York where becomes a recognized artist and where she met and inspired  numerous artists like Donal Judd, Joseph Cornell or Andy Warhol. She was also one of the precursors  of the performances and the action art. In the eighties she went back to  Japan where she decides to live in a psychiatric hospital and create her personal universes from there.


Polka dots, pumpkins, mirrors.. her works are half way between the fantasy and the reality, creating surroundings where nothing is what it seems. The  repetition of different patterns create colorful installations full of live.  Get into one of her Infinity Rooms is a totally experience that we highly recommend.  Her universe connects immediately with the emotions, with the fears and the insecurities but also with happiness, love and imagination. You get in a world where everything is possible.

These days in London, you can visit the exhibition The Moving moment when I went to the Universe.  Entry is free but you have to take out previously the ticket. More information at:  Victoria Miró

Also in London, in  the Hayward Gallery is featured  Narcissus Garden, one of her installations, part of the collective exhibition Space Shifters.  Hayward Gallery

And a bit further, in  Tokyo since last year, we can find an entire museum devoted exclusively to her work. Yayoi Kusama Museum

Find out more about this incredible artist in the documentary  Kusama Infinity

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