Plom Gallery, art for kids

We are thrilling about sharing with you our last discovery, Plom Gallery , the first contemporary art gallery addressed to kids from Barcelona. The gallery works as any other one, exhibiting and selling works from different artists but its focused in approaching contemporary art to he little ones. Art pieces curated by Marta Zimmermann, the […]

Magic Places!

If you spend these days in Zaragoza, on St. Paul Street, 43 is El Sotano Magico, a special place that will surprise you, where you can enjoy the magic in the true sense of the word, and of course, for the whole family. In the depths of the basement you can visit the Museum of […]

Serpentine Pavilion 2017

Today is Architecture, one of our passions, if you happen to be in London this summer you must visit the Serpentin Pavilion 2017.This is a temporary pavilion. Since 2000 the Serpentine Gallery has invited an international architectural studio to be built for the first time in the United Kingdom. Architects such as Peter Zumthor, Frank […]

Descover Haruki Nakamura design

We love these Haruki Nakamura designs. The Japanese designer combines an Origami variant called Kirigami that adds scissors to the process (Kiri means cropping) with the Karakuri puppets, legendary diversions of Japanese culture, and the result is a herd of animals Of paper that surprise us with their movements and that surely excite our smaller […]

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