Yayoi Kusama

Today in Nòmades we are talking about  Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. Born in Matsumoto in 1929, Kusama is one of the most admired contemporary artists. Marked for a traumatic childhood, Kusama begins to have hallucinations which makes her see the world from a different perspective. In the sixties, she moved to New York where becomes a recognized artist and where she […]

Polish Il·lustrators

Poland has a big tradition in graphic design. From a city in ruins, Warsaw , they raised one of the most peculiar schools of design, and that it is a big statement itself. Henryk Tomaszewski was appointed Professor at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, heading its Poster Studio until 1985, educating dozens of up-and-coming […]

Glasgow Street Art- Sam Bates

Today’s recommendation is about the australian artist based in Glasgow Sam Bates, best known as Smug . His high-quality murals demonstrate a photo-realistic style, and a careful and precise attitude to his work. Smug is inspired by the people he knows creating thoroughly unique pieces that have been exhibited globally. Glasgow is a city full […]

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