Our project

Nòmades is a work in progress project that introduces you to different cities through its design, culture, literature or gastronomy.

We love to  discover the cities from the gaze and experience of their  citizens. Being part of their festivals , dancing in their concerts, getting lost in their streets,   visiting their museums and singular buildings, being amazed at  their street art, meeting people and sharing experiences.

We  recommend you books, artists,  places, buildings, festivals and hotels. Everything you need to  look at the cities with the eyes of its  inhabitants and with the illusion of the discovery.

Nòmades will transform you from a  simple tourist to an authentic nomad, adding a new home in every new city. Welcome to  Nòmades family!


Nòmada Art

Nòmades Games

Architecture Games

Nòmades Places

Nòmades Books

Nòmades Festivals

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